27 de agosto de 2016


Do you like beer? In Portugal we love it! 
The two main brands of beer are: Sagres and Super Bock.

They are rivals and also sponsor two football rivals: SLBenfica (which is the national champion) and FCPorto, respectively. 

Yes, we also love football (Soccer you may say, but for us it's Football!) :)

We like Benfica but our favorite beer is Super Bock (is not as bitter as Sagres).

But do come to Portugal and try for yourself. Have a beer, in a bar with ocean view, eat some tremoços or some caracóis. Ameijoas à bulhão pato are also very good :)
Lately, we have seen the growth of home-brew beer. Some are becoming quite famous because they are quite good.

Here you have a list of portuguese home-brew beers and their location:


                                                              Dois Corvos (Two Ravens)
                                              In Marvila, Capitão Leitão Street, 94

                                (Ok, don't laugh: Captain Piglet Street - Rua Capitão Leitão)

We went to Dois Corvos and to try some. There are several beers from what you can choose, just tell them what taste do you prefer and they will provide you the beer that best suits your taste.

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